
Introducing Bromo: A Journey into the Mystical Heart of Nature

Unveil the Wonders of Bromo: Where Majesty Meets Serenity

Embark on an extraordinary adventure to Bromo, a land where nature’s grandeur and tranquility converge. Nestled in the heart of Indonesia, Bromo stands as a testament to the awe-inspiring beauty that our planet has to offer.

Witness the Sunrise of a Lifetime

As the first light of dawn breaks over the horizon, Bromo unveils a spectacle that words can barely capture. Picture yourself standing on the edge of the ancient Tengger Caldera, surrounded by mist-kissed landscapes and the towering silhouette of Mount Bromo. Each sunrise paints the sky in a symphony of hues, casting a magical spell that etches a lasting memory.

Adventure Awaits

For the bold and adventurous, Bromo offers a plethora of activities to satiate your wanderlust. Embark on a thrilling jeep ride through the Sea of Sand, navigating the lunar-like landscape with the majestic Bromo as your backdrop. Hike to the crater’s edge and peer into the very heart of the earth, feeling the raw energy that emanates from this active volcano.

Starry Nights and Whispering Winds

As the sun sets, Bromo transforms into a celestial wonderland. Far away from city lights, the night sky becomes a canvas of twinkling stars, and the soothing whispers of the wind create a symphony of serenity. Whether you’re a stargazer or a dreamer, Bromo’s nights will leave you enchanted.

Comfort Meets Nature

Indulge in the perfect blend of comfort and nature with our carefully curated accommodations. Experience the warmth of local hospitality in charming homestays or relish the luxury of boutique hotels that seamlessly blend with the natural surroundings. Wake up to the gentle sounds of nature, ready to embrace another day in paradise.

Conservation and Respect 

At Bromo, we believe in preserving the sanctity of this natural wonder. Join us in our commitment to sustainable tourism, treading lightly on this pristine landscape. By choosing Bromo, you’re not just exploring; you’re contributing to the preservation of a delicate ecosystem for generations to come.

Bromo: Where Nature’s Majesty Meets Your Adventure!

Embark on a journey that transcends the ordinary and immerses you in the extraordinary. Discover the mystical allure of Bromo, where every sunrise is a promise, every adventure is a revelation, and every moment is etched in the fabric of your soul.

Book your Bromo adventure today and let the magic unfold! 


Unveiling Ijen: Where Nature’s Palette Comes to Life

Discover Ijen: A Symphony of Colors in the Heart of Java

Embark on a journey to Ijen, a hidden gem nestled in the captivating landscapes of Java, Indonesia. Immerse yourself in the enchanting allure of nature’s palette as Ijen unfolds its breathtaking wonders.

Witness the Mystical Blue Flames

Prepare to be mesmerized by the otherworldly phenomenon of Ijen’s blue flames. As night falls, the mystical glow from the sulfuric gases creates an ethereal dance of azure hues, casting an enchanting spell on all who witness this rare spectacle. Experience the magic as the night sky becomes a canvas illuminated by nature’s own paintbrush.

Conquer the Majestic Crater

Challenge your spirit of adventure by trekking to the crater’s edge, where the mighty Ijen volcano reveals its rugged beauty. Feel the thrill as you stand on the rim, overlooking the turquoise lake that shimmers like a precious gem. This is not just a journey; it’s an ascent into the heart of wonder and awe.

Sunrise Serenity Over the Caldera

Awaken your senses to the awe-inspiring sunrise over the Ijen Caldera. As the first rays of light pierce through the morning mist, the landscape transforms into a canvas of warm hues. Watch in awe as the sun unveils the surrounding mountains and the magical allure of Ijen comes alive with the promise of a new day.

Nature’s Symphony in Comfort

Indulge in the perfect blend of comfort and nature with our curated accommodations. Whether you choose a cozy eco-friendly lodge or a rustic retreat, immerse yourself in the tranquility of Ijen without sacrificing luxury. Wake up to the symphony of nature just outside your window, setting the tone for a day filled with exploration.

Preserving the Beauty of Ijen

At Ijen, we are committed to preserving the natural wonders that make this destination truly special. Join us in our efforts for sustainable tourism, ensuring that Ijen’s beauty remains untouched for generations to come. Every step you take in Ijen is a step towards conservation and respect for our planet.

Ijen: A Tapestry of Colors Awaits Your Discovery!

Embrace the extraordinary as you explore the wonders of Ijen, where every moment is a brushstroke in nature’s masterpiece. From the blue flames to the sunrise vistas, Ijen promises an adventure that transcends imagination.

Book your Ijen experience today and let the colors of nature paint your memories!


Tumpak Sewu: Unveiling Nature’s Grand Tapestry

Embark on an extraordinary journey to Tumpak Sewu, a hidden gem in the heart of East Java, Indonesia. Brace yourself for a breathtaking spectacle as nature’s grand tapestry unfolds before your eyes.

Cascading Elegance 

Tumpak Sewu, also known as the “Thousand Waterfalls,” is a mesmerizing cascade of elegance. Watch in awe as water plummets from lush green cliffs, creating a symphony of nature’s power and grace. The sheer volume of water gives Tumpak Sewu an ethereal charm, making it a must-see for every adventurer and nature enthusiast.

Jungle Trek of Discovery 

Embark on an exhilarating jungle trek to reach the base of Tumpak Sewu. The journey itself is an adventure, as you traverse through dense foliage and feel the mist from the cascading falls. Witness the flora and fauna that call this pristine landscape home, adding an extra layer of discovery to your Tumpak Sewu experience.

Sunrise Serenade

For those seeking a magical experience, catch the first light of dawn as it bathes Tumpak Sewu in a golden glow. The sunrise transforms the landscape into a picturesque masterpiece, casting a warm embrace over the falls and the surrounding lush greenery. It’s a moment that words fail to capture – an experience etched in the heart forever.

Hidden Pools and Mystical Caves

Explore the secret pools beneath Tumpak Sewu, inviting you to take a refreshing dip amidst nature’s sanctuary. Venture into mystical caves behind the falls, where the echoes of rushing water create a natural symphony. Tumpak Sewu isn’t just a destination; it’s an exploration of hidden wonders waiting to be discovered.

Nature’s Retreat in Comfort

Indulge in the perfect blend of adventure and comfort with our handpicked accommodations. Whether you choose a riverside retreat or a cozy eco-lodge, let the sounds of nature lull you to sleep and wake up to the harmonious melody of Tumpak Sewu just outside your doorstep.

Preserving the Essence

At Tumpak Sewu, we are committed to preserving the natural harmony that makes this destination unique. Join us in promoting sustainable tourism, ensuring that Tumpak Sewu remains an untouched sanctuary for future generations. Your journey is not just an exploration; it’s a pledge to protect the beauty of Tumpak Sewu.

Tumpak Sewu: Nature’s Masterpiece Awaits Your Discovery!

Immerse yourself in the grandeur of Tumpak Sewu, where every waterfall tells a story and every moment is a connection with nature’s brilliance. Book your Tumpak Sewu adventure today and let the wonders of this majestic destination become a part of your soul!


Sukamade: Unveiling the Enchantment of Sea Turtles and Untouched Beach Bliss

Step into the untouched beauty of Sukamade, a coastal haven nestled along the pristine shores of East Java, Indonesia. Prepare to be captivated by an enchanting blend of sea turtles, secluded beaches, and an immersive natural sanctuary.

A Sanctuary for Sea Turtles

Sukamade is a haven for sea turtles, offering a rare opportunity to witness these majestic creatures in their natural habitat. Join a guided night excursion to the nesting grounds, where giant sea turtles gracefully lay their eggs in the soft, moonlit sands. It’s a magical encounter with nature’s ancient ritual, leaving you awestruck by the circle of life.

Untouched Beach Bliss

Escape to the untouched beauty of Sukamade’s beaches, where golden sands meet the turquoise embrace of the Indian Ocean. Immerse yourself in the tranquility of secluded coves, perfect for a leisurely stroll or a rejuvenating dip in the crystal-clear waters. Sukamade is not just a destination; it’s an invitation to unwind in the lap of unspoiled coastal serenity.

Sunset Secrets

As the sun dips below the horizon, Sukamade unveils its breathtaking sunsets. Witness the sky ablaze with hues of orange and pink, casting a warm glow over the coastal landscape. Whether you’re a photographer, a romantic at heart, or a seeker of tranquility, Sukamade’s sunsets are a spectacle that etches itself into your memory.

Into the Heart of the Meru Betiri National Park

Sukamade is your gateway to the vast and diverse Meru Betiri National Park. Embark on a nature trek through lush rainforests, home to a rich array of flora and fauna. Explore hidden waterfalls, encounter unique wildlife, and breathe in the fresh, invigorating air of this untouched wilderness.

Rustic Elegance and Local Hospitality

Retreat to the comfort of our carefully selected accommodations, offering a harmonious blend of rustic elegance and local hospitality. Choose from charming guesthouses or eco-friendly lodges, each providing a cozy sanctuary after a day of exploration. Sukamade invites you to sleep under the stars and wake up to the soothing sounds of the ocean.

Preserving Nature’s Legacy

At Sukamade, we are committed to preserving the delicate balance of this natural sanctuary. Join us in promoting sustainable tourism, ensuring that Sukamade remains an untouched paradise for generations to come. Your journey is not just an adventure; it’s a pledge to protect the beauty of Sukamade and its inhabitants.

Sukamade: A Symphony of Nature’s Treasures Awaits Your Discovery!

Embark on a journey into the heart of Sukamade, where every turtle’s journey, every sunset, and every beach breeze tell a tale of nature’s purest enchantment. Book your Sukamade escape today and let the untouched beauty of this coastal paradise become a part of your soul! 


Mada Karipura: Where Spiritual Harmony Meets Natural Splendor

Embark on a spiritual odyssey to Mada Karipura, a sacred haven nestled amidst the lush landscapes of Indonesia. Immerse yourself in the tranquil beauty where ancient rituals and natural wonders harmonize, creating an unforgettable journey for the soul.

Sacred Waters of Purification

At the heart of Mada Karipura lies a sacred waterfall, a revered symbol of spiritual purification. Allow the cascading waters to cleanse your spirit as you stand beneath its mist, surrounded by the lush greenery that echoes with the whispers of centuries-old traditions. Mada Karipura is not just a destination; it’s a sanctuary for the soul’s renewal.

Sunrise Serenity at the Temple

Wake up to the ethereal glow of sunrise at Mada Karipura’s ancient temple. The gentle rays of dawn illuminate the intricacies of the sacred architecture, creating a serene ambiance that invites contemplation and inner peace. Witness the fusion of natural beauty and spiritual tranquility, a perfect start to a day filled with harmony.

Nature’s Embrace in the Valley

Mada Karipura is cradled in a valley of unparalleled natural beauty. Explore the winding pathways that lead through vibrant foliage, uncovering hidden nooks and crannies where the beauty of the landscape unfolds. The valley resonates with a quiet energy, inviting you to connect with the earth and find solace in the embrace of nature.

 Birdsong and Meditation

Allow the melodies of native birds to guide you into a state of meditation. Mada Karipura is a haven for seekers of inner peace, providing a tranquil environment for mindfulness and reflection. Whether you seek to meditate by the waterfall or under the shade of ancient trees, Mada Karipura offers a serene escape from the hustle of modern life.

Retreat into Elegance

Experience the perfect blend of spiritual retreat and comfort with our thoughtfully curated accommodations. From cozy guesthouses to eco-friendly lodges, each stay at Mada Karipura is designed to harmonize with the natural surroundings. Rest your head amidst the sounds of nature and wake up to the symphony of birdsong.

Preserving Spiritual Legacy

Mada Karipura is committed to preserving the sacredness and natural beauty that make this destination unique. Join us in our efforts for sustainable tourism, ensuring that Mada Karipura remains a sacred sanctuary for generations to come. Your journey is not just a visit; it’s a commitment to preserving the spiritual legacy of this sacred land.

Mada Karipura: A Sacred Journey Awaits Your Discovery!

Embark on a spiritual sojourn to Mada Karipura, where every waterfall whispers ancient wisdom, every sunrise brings renewed hope, and every moment is a step towards inner harmony. Book your Mada Karipura retreat today and let the sacred beauty of this spiritual haven transform your soul! 


Batu: Nature’s Playground, Urban Serenity

Escape to the charming city of Batu, where the embrace of nature harmonizes with the vibrancy of urban life. Nestled in the heart of East Java, Indonesia, Batu beckons with a symphony of natural wonders, cultural delights, and modern comforts.

Botanical Marvels at Jatim Park 2

Embark on a journey through the lush landscapes of Jatim Park 2, where botanical wonders and educational adventures await. Marvel at rare plant species, explore themed gardens, and engage in interactive exhibits that make learning about nature a delightful experience for all ages. Batu is not just a city; it’s an immersive botanical playground.

Breathtaking Landscapes at Coban Rais

Discover the breathtaking beauty of Coban Rais, a hidden gem known for its stunning waterfalls and picturesque landscapes. Hike through lush greenery, breathe in the crisp mountain air, and witness the majesty of cascading water. Batu invites you to unwind in the embrace of nature’s grandeur, just a stone’s throw away from the city.

Family Fun at Batu Secret Zoo

For families seeking adventure, Batu Secret Zoo is a haven of excitement. Encounter a diverse array of wildlife, engage in entertaining shows, and stroll through themed zones that transport you to different corners of the globe. Batu is not just a destination; it’s a playground where family bonds are strengthened through laughter and discovery.

Floral Paradise at Selecta Orchid Garden

Immerse yourself in the vibrant colors and fragrant blooms of Selecta Orchid Garden. Wander through meticulously landscaped gardens, admire exotic orchids, and revel in the serenity of this floral paradise. Batu invites you to take a leisurely stroll through nature’s canvas, where every bloom tells a story of beauty and tranquility.

Historical Charm of Batu City Square

Explore the historical heart of Batu at Batu City Square, where colonial architecture and cultural heritage merge seamlessly. Enjoy the lively atmosphere, sample local delicacies, and immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of Batu’s past. Batu is not just a city; it’s a living testament to the harmonious blend of tradition and modernity.

Modern Comforts, Natural Retreats

Experience the perfect fusion of modern comforts and natural retreats with our handpicked accommodations. From boutique hotels to eco-friendly lodges, each stay in Batu is designed to offer you a sanctuary after a day of exploration. Rest, rejuvenate, and wake up ready for another day of adventure.

Preserving the Eco-Cultural Tapestry

Batu is committed to preserving its eco-cultural tapestry. Join us in promoting sustainable tourism, ensuring that the natural wonders and cultural heritage of Batu remain treasures for generations to come. Your journey is not just a visit; it’s a pledge to protect the charm and balance that define Batu.

Batu: Nature’s Playground, Your Urban Retreat Awaits!

Embark on a journey to Batu, where nature’s wonders blend seamlessly with urban charm. Book your Batu getaway today and let the city’s vibrancy and natural allure create memories that last a lifetime! 



Valid: 2024

• Pickup from Surabaya to Bromo (Ngadisari Vilage): Up to 09.00 PM

• Start to Point 1 by Jeep (Sunrise View): 03:00 AM – 06:00 AM
• Start Point 2 by Jeep (Bromo Crater): 06:00 AM – 09:00 AM (Back to Surabaya)

IDR 2.100.000 / Person

• Entrance Fee
• Jeep at Bromo (1 Jeep is maximum for 5 people excluding driver and guide)
• Local Guide

Pick up from: Surabaya
Drop off at: Surabaya

IDR 1.540.000 / Person

• Entrance Fee
• Jeep at Bromo (1 Jeep is maximum for 5 people excluding driver and guide)
• Local Guide

Pick up from: Surabaya
Drop off at: Surabaya

IDR 1.260.000 / Person

• Entrance Fee
• Jeep at Bromo (1 Jeep is maximum for 5 people excluding driver and guide)
• Local Guide

Pick up from: Surabaya
Drop off at: Surabaya

IDR 1.428.000 / Person

• Entrance Fee
• Jeep at Bromo (1 Jeep is maximum for 5 people excluding driver and guide)
• Local Guide

Pick up from: Surabaya
Drop off at: Surabaya

IDR 1.400.000 / Person

• Entrance Fee
• Jeep at Bromo (1 Jeep is maximum for 5 people excluding driver and guide)
• Local Guide

Pick up from: Surabaya
Drop off at: Surabaya

IDR 1.260.000 / Person

• Entrance Fee
• Jeep at Bromo (1 Jeep is maximum for 5 people excluding driver and guide)
• Local Guide

Pick up from: Surabaya
Drop off at: Surabaya

IDR 1.155.000 / Person

• Entrance Fee
• Jeep at Bromo (1 Jeep is maximum for 5 people excluding driver and guide)
• Local Guide

Pick up from: Surabaya
Drop off at: Surabaya

IDR 1.073.333 / Person

• Entrance Fee
• Jeep at Bromo (1 Jeep is maximum for 5 people excluding driver and guide)
• Local Guide

Pick up from: Surabaya
Drop off at: Surabaya


Valid : 2024

DAY 1: Surabaya or Malang to Bromo

• Arrive at Surabaya or Malang and meet your driver.
• Transfer to Bromo.

• Check into your accommodation near Bromo.
• Rest and freshen up.
• Explore the surrounding area.

• Enjoy dinner at a local restaurant.
• Rest early for the early morning Bromo sunrise tour.

DAY 2: Bromo Sunrise Tour and Travel to Ijen

Early Morning:
• Wake up around 3:00 AM for the Bromo sunrise tour.
• Head to Pananjakan viewpoint for a spectacular sunrise over Bromo.
• Visit the Bromo Crater and the Sea of Sand.

Late Morning:
• Return to your accommodation for breakfast.
• Check out and depart for Ijen.

• Arrive in Ijen and check into your accommodation.
• Relax or explore the local surroundings.

• Have dinner and rest for the Ijen Crater trek the next morning.

DAY 3: Ijen Blue Fire Tour and Banyuwangi Harbour

Early Morning:
• Wake up around 1:00 AM for the Ijen Blue Fire tour.
• Trek to Ijen Crater and witness the mesmerizing blue flames.
• Explore the sulfur mines and enjoy the lake.

Late Morning:
Descend and return to your accommodation for breakfast.
Check out and head to Banyuwangi Harbour.

Arrive at Banyuwangi Harbour.

IDR 3.990.000 / Person

• 2x Hotel (A room for 1 or 2 persons)
• Entrance Fee
• Jeep at Bromo (1 Jeep is maximum for 5 people excluding driver and guide)
• Local Guide
• Medical Check up

Pick up from: Surabaya / Malang
Drop off at: Banyuwangi (Harbour)

IDR 3.430.000 / Person

• 2x Hotel (A room for 1 or 2 persons)
• Entrance Fee
• Jeep at Bromo (1 Jeep is maximum for 5 people excluding driver and guide)
• Local Guide
• Medical Check up

Pick up from: Surabaya / Malang
Drop off at: Banyuwangi (Harbour)

IDR 2.800.000 / Person

• 2x Hotel (A room for 1 or 2 persons)
• Entrance Fee
• Jeep at Bromo (1 Jeep is maximum for 5 people excluding driver and guide)
• Local Guide
• Medical Check up

Pick up from: Surabaya / Malang
Drop off at: Banyuwangi (Harbour)

IDR 3.318.000 / Person

• 2x Hotel (A room for 1 or 2 persons)
• Entrance Fee
• Jeep at Bromo (1 Jeep is maximum for 5 people excluding driver and guide)
• Local Guide
• Medical Check up

Pick up from: Surabaya / Malang
Drop off at: Banyuwangi (Harbour)

IDR 3.057.000 / Person

• 2x Hotel (A room for 1 or 2 persons)
• Entrance Fee
• Jeep at Bromo (1 Jeep is maximum for 5 people excluding driver and guide)
• Local Guide
• Medical Check up

Pick up from: Surabaya / Malang
Drop off at: Banyuwangi (Harbour)

IDR 2.950.000 / Person

• 2x Hotel (A room for 1 or 2 persons)
• Entrance Fee
• Jeep at Bromo (1 Jeep is maximum for 5 people excluding driver and guide)
• Local Guide
• Medical Check up

Pick up from: Surabaya / Malang
Drop off at: Banyuwangi (Harbour)

IDR 2.695.000 / Person

• 2x Hotel (A room for 1 or 2 persons)
• Entrance Fee
• Jeep at Bromo (1 Jeep is maximum for 5 people excluding driver and guide)
• Local Guide
• Medical Check up

Pick up from: Surabaya / Malang
Drop off at: Banyuwangi (Harbour)

IDR 2.653.000 / Person

• 2x Hotel (A room for 1 or 2 persons)
• Entrance Fee
• Jeep at Bromo (1 Jeep is maximum for 5 people excluding driver and guide)
• Local Guide
• Medical Check up

Pick up from: Surabaya / Malang
Drop off at: Banyuwangi (Harbour)


Valid: 2024

• Pickup from Malang: 06:30 AM – 07:30 AM
• Arrive at Tumpak Sewu Parking Area: 09:00 AM – 10:00 AM
• Start Explore Tumpak Sewu Waterfall with Local Guide: 10:00 AM – 01:00 PM
• Leaving Tumpak Sewu Parking Area to Bromo: 01:00 PM
• Checkin Hotel (Bromo): 05:00 PM

• Start from Hotel to Bromo Park Parking Area: 02:00 AM – 03:00 AM
• Start to Point 1 by Jeep (Sunrise View): 03:00 AM – 06:00 AM
• Start Point 2 by Jeep (Bromo Crater): 06:00 AM – 09:00 AM (Back to Hotel)
• Hotel Checkout : 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
• Checkin Hotel (Banyuwangi): 04:00 PM – 06:00 PM

• Start from Hotel to Ijen Park Parking Area: 12:00 AM
• Start Hiking (3km) to Ijen Crater & Blue Fire with Local Guide: 02:00 AM – 07:00 AM (Must be ready at Parking Area)
• Leaving Ijen Parking Area to Hotel: 07:30 AM
• Arrive at Hotel for Breakfast & Packing: 08:30 AM
• Hotel Checkout: 12:00 PM drop off at Banyuwangi Harbour

IDR 4.340.000 / Person

• 2x Hotel (A room for 1 or 2 person)
• Entrance Fee
• Jeep at Bromo (1 Jeep is maximum for 5 people excluding driver and guide)
• Local Guide
• Medical Check up

Pick up from: Malang
Drop off at: Banyuwangi (Harbour)

IDR 3.734.000 / Person

• 2x Hotel (A room for 1 or 2 person)
• Entrance Fee
• Jeep at Bromo (1 Jeep is maximum for 5 people excluding driver and guide)
• Local Guide
• Medical Check up

Pick up from: Malang
Drop off at: Banyuwangi (Harbour)

IDR 3.080.000 / Person

• 2x Hotel (A room for 1 or 2 person)
• Entrance Fee
• Jeep at Bromo (1 Jeep is maximum for 5 people excluding driver and guide)
• Local Guide
• Medical Check up

Pick up from: Malang
Drop off at: Banyuwangi (Harbour)

IDR 3.640.000 / Person

• 2x Hotel (A room for 1 or 2 person)
• Entrance Fee
• Jeep at Bromo (1 Jeep is maximum for 5 people excluding driver and guide)
• Local Guide
• Medical Check up

Pick up from: Malang
Drop off at: Banyuwangi (Harbour)

IDR 3.360.000 / Person

• 2x Hotel (A room for 1 or 2 person)
• Entrance Fee
• Jeep at Bromo (1 Jeep is maximum for 5 people excluding driver and guide)
• Local Guide
• Medical Check up

Pick up from: Malang
Drop off at: Banyuwangi (Harbour)

IDR 3.240.000 / Person

• 2x Hotel (A room for 1 or 2 person)
• Entrance Fee
• Jeep at Bromo (1 Jeep is maximum for 5 people excluding driver and guide)
• Local Guide
• Medical Check up

Pick up from: Malang
Drop off at: Banyuwangi (Harbour)

IDR 2.975.000 / Person

• 2x Hotel (A room for 1 or 2 person)
• Entrance Fee
• Jeep at Bromo (1 Jeep is maximum for 5 people excluding driver and guide)
• Local Guide
• Medical Check up

Pick up from: Malang
Drop off at: Banyuwangi (Harbour)

IDR 3.018.000 / Person

• 2x Hotel (A room for 1 or 2 person)
• Entrance Fee
• Jeep at Bromo (1 Jeep is maximum for 5 people excluding driver and guide)
• Local Guide
• Medical Check up

Pick up from: Malang
Drop off at: Banyuwangi (Harbour)


Valid: 2024

• Pickup from Surabaya to Hotel (Tumpak Sewu): Up to 12.00 PM

• Start Explore Tumpak Sewu Waterfall with Local Guide: 07:00 AM – 10:00 PM (Back to Hotel)
• Hotel Checkout to Bromo: 12:00 PM
• Checkin Hotel (Bromo): 04:00 PM

• Start from Hotel to Bromo Park Parking Area: 02:00 AM – 03:00 AM
• Start to Point 1 by Jeep (Sunrise View): 03:00 AM – 06:00 AM
• Start Point 2 by Jeep (Bromo Crater): 06:00 AM – 09:00 AM (Back to Hotel)
• Hotel Checkout : 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
• Checkin Hotel (Banyuwangi): 04:00 PM – 06:00 PM

• Start from Hotel to Ijen Park Parking Area: 12:00 AM
• Start Hiking (3km) to Ijen Crater & Blue Fire with Local Guide: 02:00 AM – 07:00 AM (Must be ready at Parking Area)
• Leaving Ijen Parking Area to Hotel: 07:30 AM
• Arrive at Hotel for Breakfast & Packing: 08:30 AM
• Hotel Checkout: 12:00 PM drop off at Banyuwangi Harbour

IDR 5.250.000 / Person

• 3x Hotel (A room for 1 or 2 persons)
• Entrance Fee
• Jeep at Bromo (1 Jeep is maximum for 5 people excluding driver and guide)
• Local Guide
• Medical Check up

Pick up from: Surabaya
Drop off at: Banyuwangi (Harbour)

IDR 4.573.333 / Person

• 3x Hotel (A room for 1 or 2 persons)
• Entrance Fee
• Jeep at Bromo (1 Jeep is maximum for 5 people excluding driver and guide)
• Local Guide
• Medical Check up

Pick up from: Surabaya
Drop off at: Banyuwangi (Harbour)

IDR 3.710.000 / Person

• 3x Hotel (A room for 1 or 2 persons)
• Entrance Fee
• Jeep at Bromo (1 Jeep is maximum for 5 people excluding driver and guide)
• Local Guide
• Medical Check up

Pick up from: Surabaya
Drop off at: Banyuwangi (Harbour)

IDR 4.452.000 / Person

• 3x Hotel (A room for 1 or 2 persons)
• Entrance Fee
• Jeep at Bromo (1 Jeep is maximum for 5 people excluding driver and guide)
• Local Guide
• Medical Check up

Pick up from: Surabaya
Drop off at: Banyuwangi (Harbour)

IDR 4.037.000 / Person

• 3x Hotel (A room for 1 or 2 persons)
• Entrance Fee
• Jeep at Bromo (1 Jeep is maximum for 5 people excluding driver and guide)
• Local Guide
• Medical Check up

Pick up from: Surabaya
Drop off at: Banyuwangi (Harbour)

IDR 3.920.000 / Person

• 3x Hotel (A room for 1 or 2 persons)
• Entrance Fee
• Jeep at Bromo (1 Jeep is maximum for 5 people excluding driver and guide)
• Local Guide
• Medical Check up

Pick up from: Surabaya
Drop off at: Banyuwangi (Harbour)

IDR 3.570.000 / Person

• 3x Hotel (A room for 1 or 2 persons)
• Entrance Fee
• Jeep at Bromo (1 Jeep is maximum for 5 people excluding driver and guide)
• Local Guide
• Medical Check up

Pick up from: Surabaya
Drop off at: Banyuwangi (Harbour)

IDR 3.625.000/ Person

• 3x Hotel (A room for 1 or 2 persons)
• Entrance Fee
• Jeep at Bromo (1 Jeep is maximum for 5 people excluding driver and guide)
• Local Guide
• Medical Check up

Pick up from: Surabaya
Drop off at: Banyuwangi (Harbour)

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